Alexandra Bloodworth

“When Life Happens…” (2024)


Have you ever imagined yourself having to push your car wearing your black stilettos, in the middle of a city that has been devastated by destruction?

“If I were to find myself in such a situation, pushing my car in black stilettos amidst a city in ruins, I would likely feel a mix of emotions. Initially, there might be a sense of shock and disbelief at the extent of the destruction surrounding me. However, as I gather my composure, a feeling of resilience would likely take over. Despite the challenging circumstances, I would be determined to overcome the obstacle and find a solution.”
“When Life Happens…” is a digital artwork, depicting an elegant dressed woman amidst a city devastated by destruction.
The woman's presence contrasts with the chaotic backdrop, symbolising the strength and determination to overcome challenges, in her effort to get out of the car through the window as if she has stuck…
In this unexpected scenario, the juxtaposition of the elegant lady in black stilettos against the backdrop of destruction adds an intriguing layer to the narrative. It highlights the resilience and determination within us to overcome challenges, even in the most unlikely circumstances.
The artwork is a result of an inspiration out of unpleasant dream…


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